He is no stranger to the Entertainment Industry in Trinidad and Tobago and his increase popularity came after his collaboration with Tizzy (Antiguan Songstress), after that song "Wuk meh" too many females wanted to "wuk" him.... He is the sexy voice of 96.1 and Guilty Pleasures and can be heard every Sunday from 6pm - 9pm. The Trumpet soundsssssssssssss and boy oh boy was it loud!!!! I hear you Trumpy!!
**Runs back to introduction** - He was recently nominated for the Best Soca Re-Mix Collaboration for that same song "Wuk meh"
Entertainment Macco: Who is Richard Trumpet?
Richard Trumpet: “A very private ordinary individual that believes in live and let live, love and be loved. A lover of music and hater of injustice. Yes I know hate is a very strong word.”
Entertainment Macco: What is your sign?
Richard Trumpet: “Libra (The bess sign)”
Entertainment Macco: What is your favourite Movie?
Richard Trumpet: “Shottas (Favourite line:- Take de wah and leff de wah?)”
Entertainment Macco: What is your favourite dish? Can you cook it?
Richard Trumpet: “I eat almost anything you can’t drink but if I must say a dish I love Chicken Alfredo although my ultimate favourite thing to eat is banana fritters. I have never tried making Chicken Alfredo but I make the best banana fritters ever.”
Entertainment Macco: All that talk yuh talking.. I hope u can cook…can you and I not talking about Cornbeef and Rice eh! lol
Richard Trumpet: My mom taught me to cook from a very tender age because she said “I doh wah no woman cutting style on my son”. Actually it’s something about me that only a few people know, I am a really good cook but I am even better at baking not to blow my own horn pardon the pun.”
Entertainment Macco: Haha..blow…horn..TRUMPET!! **dead**
Entertainment Macco: What is your all time favourite song? I mean one that awaken memories, share one memory with me Richard.
Richard Trumpet: “My favourite song of all time is Journey to the Past by Aaliyah it really reminds me of a place I used to be, a place that I know I will get to once again. It reminds me of childhood memories and family life and how important they are, those are the most important things to me and I can’t wait for that day when I am back there again.”
Entertainment Macco: I heard that you are from the Laventille area and I know that a lot of negative stereotypes have been established when living in that area, how do you cope?
Richard Trumpet: “Actually, sometimes it upsets me a lot. There was an instance when I applied for a job and was denied because of where I live. I can even recall when I worked in a CD store and the proprietor’s mom was there one day and she asked another employee to check the trash before I threw it out one evening because as she put it “yuh know how them behind the bridge people is”, insinuating that I had put CDs in the garbage bag to steal them.
Entertainment Macco: Damn I can only imagine how you felt! That sad!!
Entertainment Macco: Go ahead..continue venting...what else is there?
Richard Trumpet: I dislike when people assume that once you are from Loveuntil (as I like to call it) you are somehow involved in some sort of criminal activity..some how you are different from any other law abiding citizen cause whenever you are asked where you from and you reply Loveuntil you get a gasp, a sigh or a “oh hoe”. I have livedPicton Road , Loveuntil all my life and I am very proud to say that. I am not saying there are not criminal elements in Loveuntil just like any other place in T&T but I just don’t think it should be a Peter pay for Paul and Paul pay for all scenario cause we need to understand and consider the hard working, honest, law abiding citizens that reside in Laventille and other so called crime hot spots too.
Entertainment Macco: One more thing you hate about the stereotypes before we move on and I continue to Macco?
Richard Trumpet: What I also hate is when “they” do stuff like block the road to carry out utility works without even making a PSA before hand because the “dogs” don’t need to be informed. After all it isn’t a prestige area so if the road is blocked we the bandits, criminals and dogs could just walk to our destinations. Ent? "
Entertainment Macco: Hear nah you really used to sing with the Asylum band..well before it was Asylum, why did you leave the band? How long has it been?
Richard Trumpet: “I left the band back in 2003 to pursue DJing and radio because I became very despondent about the music industry and all the bs and because I honestly thought that I could have done more than just being a frontline/back up singer.”
Entertainment Macco: On a softer side, the Macco heard sometime ago that your mother passed away when you were young (R.I.P), how hard was it for you growing up?
Richard Trumpet: “Wow! You had to go there? My mom was my strength, my life and my everything. I love her so much and the hardest part was not being able to share my triumphs and disappointments with her. My heart aches every time something happens and I think what would mummy do or say if she was here.”
Entertainment Macco: How many siblings do you have? Who took care of you all after your mothers’ death?
Richard Trumpet: "Three sisters and two brothers by birth and three more sisters and three more brothers by love. My eldest sister became my mother when mummy passed then I acquired a couple moms well, four in total but the sad thing is three of them passed away in quick succession and at one point I felt like I was cursed until I realized that they were just sent to me on loan and God had to have them back as soon as possible because they were required in heaven more than they were needed on earth so I understood."
Entertainment Macco: I am sure they were glad to be on loan to you.
Entertainment Macco: What is your relationship like with you father?
Richard Trumpet: “As much as I love my father we don’t have a great relationship. I honestly wish it was better but I love him a lot.”
Entertainment Macco: How long have you been employed at 96.1 wefm?
Richard Trumpet: “Four and a half years.”
Entertainment Macco: Trumpy (I could call you that on the macco blog right?) Does being a successful announcer/Dj affect you relationship wise?
Richard Trumpet: “Yes because you are never really sure if you are loved for who you are or what you are.”
Entertainment Macco: Are you happy with where you are in life at present? What more do you think you can do?
Richard Trumpet: “I am happy but I think I can take some more time for me and enjoy life a little more because almost all my time is consumed with work or something work related.”
Entertainment Macco: As a macco I have heard a lot of talk about you getting into the music industry just because it is the trend is that true? A lot of dj’s/announcers have turned songbirds recently, have you noticed? lol
Richard Trumpet: “Lmao I have noticed but for me as far as I can remember I have always had a love affair with music, so much so, that I could lock myself away for days on end with music as my companion so me getting into music wasn’t following the fad cause music is my life. I was singing before I started announcing so it was a natural progression or regression dependant on how you look at it.”
Entertainment Macco: Love affair yuh say? Who else or what else have you had love affairs with eh eh eh?
Entertainment Macco: What made you decide to announce and sing?
Richard Trumpet: “The singing part was natural because I always liked it… announcing came back at Costaatt when the Communications Lecturer Ms Marina Maxwell would tell me almost everyday “Richard you have a lovely voice you should do something with it”. On January 2nd 2003 she left a voice mail on my phone saying “Richard it is a new year it’s time to do something with your voice” and so I did. There is also another reason but that is to close to my heart to tell you… lol but I will share it with you one day!”
Entertainment Macco: Well yes! You supposed to tell the macco everything now!
Entertainment Macco: If there was one thing you could do in this life, what would it be?
Richard Trumpet: Become a politician (I know yuh like huh?)
Entertainment Macco: **Gasps** No comment!
Entertainment Macco: One place you would like to visit in the near future and why?
Richard Trumpet: “Sun City South Africa simply because I think it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I saw it once on TV when the Ms Universe Pageant was held there and I fell in love.”
Entertainment Macco: Many men refuse to admit when they are in touch with their emotions….are you or are you ashamed to cry or talk out?
Richard Trumpet: “Ask my sister Rowen she would tell you if I cry lol! I am not ashamed to cry or talk out I have only recently learnt how to hold back my tears (since Shaggy sang Bad Man Don’t Cry)”
Entertainment Macco: You Study Shaggy and that doh cry thing..lol Badmen cry boi! lol
Entertainment Macco: Aye Trumpy (I gone back calling you that again) that sexy “guilty pleasures” voice, is it yours or put on re: technologically assisted?
Richard Trumpet: “Buh you eh easy! It’s my real voice, I just speak softer and turn up the volume on the mic, no autotune lol.”
Entertainment Macco: I was really gonna ask if it was autotune eh..men getting dissed for that these days eh!
Entertainment Macco: Do women usually throw themselves at you? How do you respond to something like that?
Richard Trumpet: “No they don’t … I don’t do to bad though but I always try to discern if that said woman who is “throwing herself” would have given me a second glance or double take if I was Trumpet the plumber.”
Entertainment Macco: What is the craziest thing a woman has ever done to get your attention?
Richard Trumpet: “Believe it or not but stand outside my house at 2 am like a mannequin, unannounced”.
Entertainment Macco: **Dying** Stalkerrrrrrrr!
Entertainment Macco: Ok Really I cannot resist asking this question, during the carnival season people were convinced that you and Tizzy were in “thing” is that true?
Richard Trumpet: “We are just good friends that is it just friends.”
Entertainment Macco: Biggest turn on in a woman?
Richard Trumpet: “Turn on? Yuh mean turn ons! Brains, sollageesss, legs and smile not necessarily in that order.”
Entertainment Macco: Wait what are Sollageess? **checks Oxford Dictionary** - NO MEANING…. **Searches on google** - NO MEANING…. **Calls Trumpet** - He says….. "Girl that mean Breastssssssssssssssssssssss!!!”
Entertainment Macco: In your industry what is your biggest pet peeve…that one thing that does real stress you out and send your pressure level up?
Richard Trumpet: “I thought it was egos but that comes second to unfairness.”
Entertainment Macco: Do you have an irresistible temptation/guilty pleasure? Tell me what it is?
Richard Trumpet: “Pampering that is all I am going to say about this topic."
Entertainment Macco: What is your greatest joy?
Richard Trumpet: “My daughter Jada-Marie”
Entertainment Macco: Yuh who? Is daughter you said? How old is she?
Richard Trumpet: “A year and three months”
Entertainment Macco: What is your secret fear? (don’t be scared to share it with me..)
Richard Trumpet: “It’s weird but I always have thoughts and dreams of dying a very violent death.”
Entertainment Macco: Rebuke that!!!!
Entertainment Macco: What is your best asset/sexiest feature?
Richard Trumpet: “My smile but I am tired of getting the bandy talk.”
Entertainment Macco: Ohhhh yeah I have seen that Bandy….. **winks**
Entertainment Macco: When looking for a mate do you rather someone in the industry or out of the industry & why?
Richard Trumpet: “Out and far far away from the entertainment industry cause one shouldn’t eat where they sh*#”
Entertainment Macco: Why do you think there are more successful men in our entertainment industry than women?
Richard Trumpet: “Because it’s a very sexist stereotypical industry.”
Entertainment Macco: I know there are real life maccos out there, how do you keep your personal life off the streets and separate from you business life?
Richard Trumpet: “I am a very private person by nature and I don’t like too much questions by the way how much more questions you going to ask me?”
Entertainment Macco: Haha..why you asking me my business? Just sit there and answer the questions.
Entertainment Macco: What is your personal credo?
Richard Trumpet: “Once you believe you can achieve and give unto Caesar what is due to Caesar.”
Entertainment Macco: When you die, how would you like to be remembered?
Richard Trumpet: “As a great father, husband and someone that had the ability to effect change and a source of inspiration to anyone who is considered or consider themselves to be an underdog.”
Entertainment Macco: What is your sign?
Richard Trumpet: “Libra (The bess sign)”
Entertainment Macco: What is your favourite Movie?
Richard Trumpet: “Shottas (Favourite line:- Take de wah and leff de wah?)”
Entertainment Macco: What is your favourite dish? Can you cook it?
Richard Trumpet: “I eat almost anything you can’t drink but if I must say a dish I love Chicken Alfredo although my ultimate favourite thing to eat is banana fritters. I have never tried making Chicken Alfredo but I make the best banana fritters ever.”
Entertainment Macco: All that talk yuh talking.. I hope u can cook…can you and I not talking about Cornbeef and Rice eh! lol
Richard Trumpet: My mom taught me to cook from a very tender age because she said “I doh wah no woman cutting style on my son”. Actually it’s something about me that only a few people know, I am a really good cook but I am even better at baking not to blow my own horn pardon the pun.”
Entertainment Macco: Haha..blow…horn..TRUMPET!! **dead**
Entertainment Macco: What is your all time favourite song? I mean one that awaken memories, share one memory with me Richard.
Richard Trumpet: “My favourite song of all time is Journey to the Past by Aaliyah it really reminds me of a place I used to be, a place that I know I will get to once again. It reminds me of childhood memories and family life and how important they are, those are the most important things to me and I can’t wait for that day when I am back there again.”
Entertainment Macco: I heard that you are from the Laventille area and I know that a lot of negative stereotypes have been established when living in that area, how do you cope?
Richard Trumpet:
Entertainment Macco: Damn I can only imagine how you felt! That sad!!
Entertainment Macco: Go ahead..continue venting...what else is there?
Richard Trumpet: I dislike when people assume that once you are from Loveuntil (as I like to call it) you are somehow involved in some sort of criminal activity..some how you are different from any other law abiding citizen cause whenever you are asked where you from and you reply Loveuntil you get a gasp, a sigh or a “oh hoe”. I have lived
Entertainment Macco: One more thing you hate about the stereotypes before we move on and I continue to Macco?
Richard Trumpet: What I also hate is when “they” do stuff like block the road to carry out utility works without even making a PSA before hand because the “dogs” don’t need to be informed. After all it isn’t a prestige area so if the road is blocked we the bandits, criminals and dogs could just walk to our destinations. Ent? "
Entertainment Macco: Hear nah you really used to sing with the Asylum band..well before it was Asylum, why did you leave the band? How long has it been?
Richard Trumpet: “I left the band back in 2003 to pursue DJing and radio because I became very despondent about the music industry and all the bs and because I honestly thought that I could have done more than just being a frontline/back up singer.”
Entertainment Macco: On a softer side, the Macco heard sometime ago that your mother passed away when you were young (R.I.P), how hard was it for you growing up?
Richard Trumpet: “Wow! You had to go there? My mom was my strength, my life and my everything. I love her so much and the hardest part was not being able to share my triumphs and disappointments with her. My heart aches every time something happens and I think what would mummy do or say if she was here.”
Entertainment Macco: How many siblings do you have? Who took care of you all after your mothers’ death?
Richard Trumpet: "Three sisters and two brothers by birth and three more sisters and three more brothers by love. My eldest sister became my mother when mummy passed then I acquired a couple moms well, four in total but the sad thing is three of them passed away in quick succession and at one point I felt like I was cursed until I realized that they were just sent to me on loan and God had to have them back as soon as possible because they were required in heaven more than they were needed on earth so I understood."
Entertainment Macco: I am sure they were glad to be on loan to you.
Entertainment Macco: What is your relationship like with you father?
Richard Trumpet: “As much as I love my father we don’t have a great relationship. I honestly wish it was better but I love him a lot.”
Entertainment Macco: How long have you been employed at 96.1 wefm?
Richard Trumpet: “Four and a half years.”
Entertainment Macco: Trumpy (I could call you that on the macco blog right?) Does being a successful announcer/Dj affect you relationship wise?
Richard Trumpet: “Yes because you are never really sure if you are loved for who you are or what you are.”
Entertainment Macco: Are you happy with where you are in life at present? What more do you think you can do?
Richard Trumpet: “I am happy but I think I can take some more time for me and enjoy life a little more because almost all my time is consumed with work or something work related.”
Entertainment Macco: As a macco I have heard a lot of talk about you getting into the music industry just because it is the trend is that true? A lot of dj’s/announcers have turned songbirds recently, have you noticed? lol
Richard Trumpet: “Lmao I have noticed but for me as far as I can remember I have always had a love affair with music, so much so, that I could lock myself away for days on end with music as my companion so me getting into music wasn’t following the fad cause music is my life. I was singing before I started announcing so it was a natural progression or regression dependant on how you look at it.”
Entertainment Macco: Love affair yuh say? Who else or what else have you had love affairs with eh eh eh?
Entertainment Macco: What made you decide to announce and sing?
Richard Trumpet: “The singing part was natural because I always liked it… announcing came back at Costaatt when the Communications Lecturer Ms Marina Maxwell would tell me almost everyday “Richard you have a lovely voice you should do something with it”. On January 2nd 2003 she left a voice mail on my phone saying “Richard it is a new year it’s time to do something with your voice” and so I did. There is also another reason but that is to close to my heart to tell you… lol but I will share it with you one day!”
Entertainment Macco: Well yes! You supposed to tell the macco everything now!
Entertainment Macco: If there was one thing you could do in this life, what would it be?
Richard Trumpet: Become a politician (I know yuh like huh?)
Entertainment Macco: **Gasps** No comment!
Entertainment Macco: One place you would like to visit in the near future and why?
Richard Trumpet: “Sun City South Africa simply because I think it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I saw it once on TV when the Ms Universe Pageant was held there and I fell in love.”
Entertainment Macco: Many men refuse to admit when they are in touch with their emotions….are you or are you ashamed to cry or talk out?
Richard Trumpet: “Ask my sister Rowen she would tell you if I cry lol! I am not ashamed to cry or talk out I have only recently learnt how to hold back my tears (since Shaggy sang Bad Man Don’t Cry)”
Entertainment Macco: You Study Shaggy and that doh cry thing..lol Badmen cry boi! lol
Entertainment Macco: Aye Trumpy (I gone back calling you that again) that sexy “guilty pleasures” voice, is it yours or put on re: technologically assisted?
Richard Trumpet: “Buh you eh easy! It’s my real voice, I just speak softer and turn up the volume on the mic, no autotune lol.”
Entertainment Macco: I was really gonna ask if it was autotune eh..men getting dissed for that these days eh!
Entertainment Macco: Do women usually throw themselves at you? How do you respond to something like that?
Richard Trumpet: “No they don’t … I don’t do to bad though but I always try to discern if that said woman who is “throwing herself” would have given me a second glance or double take if I was Trumpet the plumber.”
Entertainment Macco: What is the craziest thing a woman has ever done to get your attention?
Richard Trumpet: “Believe it or not but stand outside my house at 2 am like a mannequin, unannounced”.
Entertainment Macco: **Dying** Stalkerrrrrrrr!
Entertainment Macco: Ok Really I cannot resist asking this question, during the carnival season people were convinced that you and Tizzy were in “thing” is that true?
Richard Trumpet: “We are just good friends that is it just friends.”
Entertainment Macco: Biggest turn on in a woman?
Richard Trumpet: “Turn on? Yuh mean turn ons! Brains, sollageesss, legs and smile not necessarily in that order.”
Entertainment Macco: Wait what are Sollageess? **checks Oxford Dictionary** - NO MEANING…. **Searches on google** - NO MEANING…. **Calls Trumpet** - He says….. "Girl that mean Breastssssssssssssssssssssss!!!”
Entertainment Macco: In your industry what is your biggest pet peeve…that one thing that does real stress you out and send your pressure level up?
Richard Trumpet: “I thought it was egos but that comes second to unfairness.”
Entertainment Macco: Do you have an irresistible temptation/guilty pleasure? Tell me what it is?
Richard Trumpet: “Pampering that is all I am going to say about this topic."
Entertainment Macco: What is your greatest joy?
Richard Trumpet: “My daughter Jada-Marie”
Entertainment Macco: Yuh who? Is daughter you said? How old is she?
Richard Trumpet: “A year and three months”
Entertainment Macco: What is your secret fear? (don’t be scared to share it with me..)
Richard Trumpet: “It’s weird but I always have thoughts and dreams of dying a very violent death.”
Entertainment Macco: Rebuke that!!!!
Entertainment Macco: What is your best asset/sexiest feature?
Richard Trumpet: “My smile but I am tired of getting the bandy talk.”
Entertainment Macco: Ohhhh yeah I have seen that Bandy….. **winks**
Entertainment Macco: When looking for a mate do you rather someone in the industry or out of the industry & why?
Richard Trumpet: “Out and far far away from the entertainment industry cause one shouldn’t eat where they sh*#”
Entertainment Macco: Why do you think there are more successful men in our entertainment industry than women?
Richard Trumpet: “Because it’s a very sexist stereotypical industry.”
Entertainment Macco: I know there are real life maccos out there, how do you keep your personal life off the streets and separate from you business life?
Richard Trumpet: “I am a very private person by nature and I don’t like too much questions by the way how much more questions you going to ask me?”
Entertainment Macco: Haha..why you asking me my business? Just sit there and answer the questions.
Entertainment Macco: What is your personal credo?
Richard Trumpet: “Once you believe you can achieve and give unto Caesar what is due to Caesar.”
Entertainment Macco: When you die, how would you like to be remembered?
Richard Trumpet: “As a great father, husband and someone that had the ability to effect change and a source of inspiration to anyone who is considered or consider themselves to be an underdog.”
Guilty Pleasures,
Richard Trumpet

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10 Responses
that was awesome interview1
One never stops learning!....but on another note, why u lyin? Girls dont run you down?! lol. And for those of you who thinks he's lyin...I can vouch for that sexy voice, its his! lol
much props to the interviewer for excellent interviwing skills
Am blown away at the depth, and i admire the maturity Richard. Keep putting your best foot forward.
I enjoyed reading this interview it was very interesting and i just wanna say thumbs up to Richard and i know there is much more of him to see in the entertainment industry i think he should have his own t.v show!! i love listening to him on radio why not see him on t.v from Simone Maloney.
Seriously, I'm really proud of you. As long as you continue to believe in yourself and you keep positive people aroud, you will continue to be successful.
Entertainment Macco job well done. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next one.
As everyone said, Great Interview. I love your Spirit, your energy, your whole out look on life,I just love, love your persona. Alot of people in the industry can learn a thing or two from you...like Kanye West...lol. All the best Richard in all your future endeavours.
Great interview Trumpet, take your forward. Intelligent interview also, wish it was video recorded...Keon
Thank you all so much for the comments and continue reading and commenting...more stuff to come! If you all are not members/fans on facebook...search us there and talk to us, LET us know how you feel about the interviews and blogs..
Blessed Love
D Macco