

Answer Back Dat; Jah Bami Responds

The Clash is on, Squeezy started it, but will Jah Bami finish it?  He wasted no time responding to Squeezy's track. Bami headed straight to studio and laid down some sharp lyrics, recorded a video and released it to the social media world. Being a true macco I had to talk to Jah Bami and get his side of the story. Just to fill everyone in, Squeezy Rankin, recorded and released a song dissing international recording artistes Khari Kill and Jah Bami. In this interview we were able to get inside Jah Bami's head and ask all the questions that everybody wants to know!!

Entertainment Macco: What was your initial reaction when you heard Squeezy Ranking calling your name in his diss?
Jah Bami: “I was in a meeting and after the meeting I was told to go on the computer because Squeezy send a message for me. So I was like what going on here?  To me it was funny and I was laughing because I know he is a jokey man but when I heard the things he was saying about me and the obscene language that was when I  realized he was serious. Now he and Khari had some kind of beef when they were like 15 or 16 and he (Squeezy) talked to me about it and I tell him them need to deal with that...”

Entertainment Macco: Do you think that you responding was the best way to deal with the situation? Why?
Jah Bami: “To be honest it wasn’t the best way because I know the artiste, I know the individual, and I know him on a personal level. I considered him meh brethren; I know which part he came from. My natural instinct was not to respond, that is why I went on Facebook asking people what they think, some said yes while others said no. On a real though, if a man calls you out, the right thing to do is answer back. If I didn’t answer people would have said I soft...Right now what Squeezy doing is like Satan interfering with Jah.”

Entertainment Macco: Now that a clash is official do you intend to respond every time Squeezy sends messages?
Jah Bami:  “Clash eh have no rules, everything I talking bout is where I living, it eh easy to live on my block and I have it locked. My beef is not with Squeezy is with the people who endorsing he shit. I feel he have to do like 3 songs for my one song for me to answer him back. What I watching is the fact that people enjoying the clash so that might encourage me to respond as well. Until he stop I will keep jabbing because I am a boxer you feel me? Squeezy is a punk and I will expose him and his fans.”
Entertainment Macco: Alright...I am following you…
Jah Bami:  “Let Khari come and defend he business now.  My problem is with Kwasi from Studio 53, them looking for hype. We do real hard work behind that studio and them coming behind we. …”

Entertainment Macco:  I have to ask though, what happened with you and Studio 53?
Jah Bami:  “Kwasi is a nasty man, plain talk. He does anything for petty fame and image, he just looking for hype; he do it without respect for me, without respect for Khari and even without respect for Squeezy. Right now I eh want nothing to do with studio 53 or studio 53 artistes…Straight up!”

Entertainment Macco: In Squeezy’s interview he stated that his problem was never with you, if you had this information before would you have responded the same way?
Jah Bami:: “Yeah I would have still responded, that is derogatory, Squeezy know where I would have been if I wasn’t a Rastaman, my dreads are my antennas and he disrespect. If you have nothing with a man don’t call he name. It have real people I don’t like and I doh call nobody name. You can’t call meh name because me and Khari Kill good but you see when ungodly men sit down and have counsel about you the weakest does show themselves and that is Squeezy.”

Entertainment Macco: I heard that you and Squeezy were on a tour in Trinidad recently where you all were singing for youths, is that true? If yes when was it and what was the tour about?
Jah Bami:  “Not a tour but we sang for some kids on St. Paul street, good thing I have that taped, because Squeezy saying no and trying to give people the impression that me and he had issues or something.”

Entertainment Macco:  In his interview Squeezy said it is never personal with him when he disses an artiste, are you taking his attack personally?
Jah Bami:  “Yeah I taking it personally, you know why? You see the part where he say it isn’t personal that is just a cover. I know the fight, I understand the man but still you just cannot call up my name and not expect me to take it personally. Is 15 years he diving off them stage yuh know! It is personal with me I can tell you that... Straight!”

Entertainment Macco: Have you ever been attacked by an artiste before? If yes when? If no, why do you think?
Jah Bami: “Never….but I could smell the fear on nuff ah them around me. I could have a million diss tunes but that is not my scene.”
Entertainment Macco: Why you feel no one has ever done it before?
Jah Bami:: “Because I am a respectable guy, I am a team player, I does help meh brothers them. My fight is with the radio stations, I know them don’t like me from the 1st “Ah Cah Wait” because them try to fight us down. As for Squeez, he looking for pity from he Trini fans and the war is on.”

Entertainment Macco: Why didn't you leave Khari to respond first?
Jah Bami: “Khari on tour in California and I was about to head there too, we sign up to go on tour with Lutan Fire, Norris man, Ras Attitude and some other names. I was not going to waste time for Squeezy to get all the hype so I jump on it.”
Entertainment Macco:  Khari know what going on?
Jah Bami: “Well I sent the riddim for Khari and I let him know to defend himself, he is very aware with what happening but he doing his thing too.”

Entertainment Macco: How does he feel about your response to Squeezy Rankin?
Jah Bami: “Khari laugh, we laugh, we know he does cut grass and he get a melody in he head and run in the studio and sing it…but that eh make him no artiste, so we had a good laugh at him trying to diss us.”
Entertainment Macco: He comfortable with what is happening?
Jah Bami: “He cool man he know Squeezy and them other artiste who paring with him eh ready for we. If we used to move like them other Trinis who make it big and eh come back home we will be fine yuh know but we love Trini.”

Entertainment Macco:: You refer to Squeezy as Nigga over and over again, Do you endorse the use of that word?
Jah Bami:  “People talking bout my use of the word nigga and yet people still buy a Jay Z album and he is a millionaire and them eh damning Squeezy bout his derogatory statements and cussing loosely etc and people endorsing him. I was rhyming…nigga, figure, Hilfiger, people are hypocrites liming with them friends calling each other niggas but because I say it there is a problem.”

Entertainment Macco:  In your song you make mention of Squeezy cutting grass/soil digger, do you look down on that profession?
Jah Bami: “Since I born and know myself all I doing is music, when I was in the Coastguard I was doing that and when I left there I was still doing music. My whole career is music, even if people eh hear me doing it I still living. He messing with my profession and when I jump on his, people mad at me. Why everyone riding my back? Besides being an artiste I am a father and I have to deal with that. Squeezy them know I eh really a favourite, my name eh jumping up in Trini so my name easy to call. I respect anybody who doing any kind of labour, he making his bread and I respect that but don’t come and look down on my profession. If I have to reach to me cutting grass, I will do it too because I have mouths to feed. He cutting grass for a very long time, landscaping is his thing and he has perfected that craft and so have I.”
Entertainment Macco: What about the whole Tommy Hilfiger thing?
Jah Bami: “Squeezy talk about he doing his diss old school, Tommy Hilfiger was very popular with black people back in the day and even back then squeezy never wear one. It is just a lyrical diss but it’s also a fact.”

Entertainment Macco: Before the release of Squeezy's song would you say that you guys were friends or was there some drama brewing from before?
Jah Bami:  “The last time I was chilling with him on St Paul street, chilling and drinking Henny talking bout the industry and what we could do to make it better we was cool. I never had any beef with him and again my beef is not with Squeezy, I have a beef not with him because he is just the pawn that them put to take the bait.”

Entertainment Macco: What type of message do you hope to send to your fans by the whole clash situation? That Jah Bami is not to be messed with?
Jah Bami: “People know me for singing some sensible stuff and good music and yet still some people may not believe in you. It have some people who will try to denounce your name. Let it just be a lyrical battle if Squeezy prove he more lyrical respect to the brother, if people say me then so it goes. But when I firing shots I doh leggo no Badang! You see all the artistes who wasn’t talking before tell them don’t talk now, he is my son I eh want nobody punking him I alone must punk him. Nobody trouble the money me alone could punk he.”

Entertainment Macco: Now we have been maccoing your FB page and we see that some of your fans supported your response while others felt you should have just ignored Sqeezy, why didn't you ignore him? What influenced your decision to respond?
Jah Bami: “I wouldn’t be on Entertainment Macco right now if I did * Haha *, it wouldn’t have any excitement if I had decided to keep my mouth shut. You know what, I did the maths and within that I realize that if I don’t answer back, Trini wouldn’t have a full understanding of who Jah Bami is still. All the Squeezy Rankin fans who not showing him no better are silly people just like him, before they sit down with the man and show him or teach him how to handle the industry professionally them endorsing his nonsense.”
Entertainment Macco: Right I hear you…
Jah Bami: with people who eh need work permits, try and better yourself people out here who are Trinis didn’t even know who Squeezy was until he call up my name, not even a bootlegger have a Squeezy cd. I will use him to exercise…* Haha * Squeezy is a bigger artiste than me in Trini I will admit that, I doh get booked in Trini and I will admit that because that is what Trini endorse.”

Entertainment Macco: Clashing in music is this something you are accustomed to participating in and would you recommend this sought of thing to new artist in the business?
Jah Bami: “Yeah off course, I recommend it. That is where the Squeezy, Khari, Bami, Bunji, 3Suns and all ah them come from. Clashing was always good, that is how your skills stay sharp. It is good once it stays lyrical and no one jumps out of themselves. You know how much people want other people spot in the industry and once that person loose them earn their spot. When I said the man don’t make figures is just me trying to tell him don’t let people clown him, take time and perfect your craft so you can make real money.”

Entertainment Macco: So the riddim that you sang on is one that was produced by Studio 53, since this is the same riddim that squeeezy sang on is it safe to say that the music was done in preparation for a clash are they supporting the clash how were you able to get access to and record on the same riddim as squeezy?
Jah Bami: “When I heard the song I wanted to find out who build the riddim so I asked and Lava responded saying that he did it. So I asked him if he trying to set meh up basically and he said that wasn’t his scene. I asked him to send the riddim for me and sent he it like in 20 minutes after I hit him. As soon as I got the riddim I went in the studio the same day and record it and shoot the video one time and put it up. “

Entertainment Macco: Do you rate yourself as an international artiste?
Jah Bami: “I have an American passport, what do you think? Yes I rate myself...I am trying to get work permits for my brethrens to come foreign because when them come foreign they eh go need Trini support. I rate myself because I pass the level of certain artistes, the same grassroots that shot Squeezy video, I bring him up to St Lucia to shoot “She’s Fire” and he eat he ass full and now he in the fight and all….but I does leave them…We doh loose no sleep off ah them..”

Entertainment Macco: Have you ever written or recorded a song bashing another artiste?
Jah Bami: “I have been clashing long time, I was the number one clash man in the base…but I never sit down and pen no tune or record any bashing no artiste, I eh looking for no fame.”

Entertainment Macco:  Now we are all aware that you reside in the US, what struggles have you encountered as a Trini artiste living in the US?
Jah Bami:  “The hardest is working with Trinis in foreign, I kind of stop working with too many of them. I started working with other Caribbean artistes because them thinking bigger because they are all Caribbean and not selfish…”

Entertainment Macco: Are you concerned about how handling issues like this can affect your growth as an artiste?
Jah Bami: “Let me tell you something, you can’t grow anymore as an artiste when you reach a certain age, your music will grow but I eh feel this affecting me because on the real my music not playing in Trini and that not bothering me. I am growing as a professional and that is my growth in general.”

Entertainment Macco: I have noticed that you and Squeezy both made mention of the Bunji and Fay ann, is there are reason for that, is there some sought of beef brewing according to your song Squeezy is their Mascot?
Jah Bami:: “In this industry some of us come from the same lining.. I was the first person that Bunji ever clash with. When me and him clash it was very heavy and it caused tension. I remember a time he meet me by the dial in Arima and he let me know that he getting into soca and I rate him. I could tell you that he buss with “Send them riddim mad” in We beat. It have no beef with me and Bunji or Fay Ann although Khari had ah issue with Bunji song “Banana” and Bunji and his wife tried to pull me up by association. Khari and Squeezy cut from the same cloth, them does do they own thing, say they own thing and so it goes.”

Entertainment Macco:  Being involved in this clash, how do you feel this will impact your career? Do you see any good coming out of this?
Jah Bami:  “I man have different portfolios, my meditation is different, I am getting into film school, RTV to launch soon, my situation is about that but this clash thing is to exercise my skill as an artiste and get back into the thing because I did kinda rest that for a while. I never went to broadcasting school to work on Tempo, I had 103 episodes and I am on to something else.”

Squeezy Rankin, It's Never Personal

Squeezy Rankin is one of the most controversial artiste in Trinidad and Tobago, his style and lyrics are two things that many music enthusiasts have still not grown accustom to. Recently Squeezy Rankin sent a message to Khari Kill and Jah Bami (two Trinidadian artistes based in NYC) through a song and video which was made public via Facebook. Needless to say, the action taken by Squeezy Rankin may have shocked disgusted and impressed many and the response from Jah Bami has created quite a stir (Entertainment Macco is working on this) Being a regular macco (I am proud to say such) I just had to call up Squeezy to find out what was the real deal and what fuelled his "diss". I am trying to get my hands on a copy of the video to upload to the blog for those who may not be familiar with what has happened, however the video and the response from Jah Bami can both be found on Facebook. 

Entertainment Macco: Tell me who is Squeezy Rankin?
Squeezy Rankin: “A rugged and different artiste, I and all doh really know…when people hear me or see me they have me down as the downtown artiste and that is who I am…the artiste who they don’t want uptown”

Entertainment Macco: How long have you been in the business?
Squeezy Rankin: “Longtime…Real long”

Entertainment Macco: Why the name Squeezy Rankin? Is there history behind this sobriquet?
Squeezy Rankin: “Since I was small I had the nickname Squeezy and I added in the Rankin…I doh know why they gave me the name Squeezy; maybe it was because I was a premature baby, I never asked. I added in the Rankin because in the era I started music in, it had certain men in the industry who had that name “Rankin” and they were running things and guess what? I wanted to run things too. I tried to change the name many times but it won’t leave me.”

Entertainment Macco: What is your given name?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Anthony La Fleur.”

Entertainment Macco: I saw your video on Facebook which was directed to Khari Kill and Jah Bami, what was that about?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Hear wah going on!  He eh really do me nothing yuh know is the bad mind, every time somebody else getting a shine in front ah Khari he does get vex, so I decide that I eh going down that road again with him…. We do a compilation he say he thing once, he say it twice and the third time that was the last straw. It eh have nothing to do with Bami he just end up in the mix.”

Entertainment Macco: Do you feel that this was the best way to send your message to Khari and Jah Bami?
Squeezy Rankin:  “That is always the best way to send the message…what you want me to do meet him and ask him wah is that one? I eh have time for that, I does deal with it straight!”

Entertainment Macco: I heard this is not the first time you have bashed another artiste? Is this true and is it just fun for you?
Squeezy Rankin: “I bash real artiste before like Garlin which was a counter attack to something he sang it wasn’t really bashing, I bash Machel for beating up the man in Zen and people was scared to call him out on it although what he did was wrong and I also bash Prophet Benjamin on a song he did too.
Entertainment Macco: Is it something personal with the artistes?
Squeezy Rankin: “It has nothing to do with them getting me mad is just certain things about their music or something that they might have done that wasn’t right not anything personal.”  

Entertainment Macco: Are you concerned about how handling issues like this can affect your growth as an artiste?
Squeezy Rankin:  “This is the kind of artiste I am, I have one of the baddest demeanours as an artiste when compared to many in the game. I does give people what they want. This eh affecting my growth at all, not negatively, not ever.”

Entertainment Macco: Internationally this is a great way of gaining publicity is this your objective?
Squeezy Rankin:  “I doh really business bout international, when that come then I will deal with that. I am dealing with wah I know here. I am not ignorant but I deal with what I deal with here…No it was not a publicity stunt, as I told you some  men too bad mind and I doh bad mind no body so I eh want  no one do me that. When them getting them 10 tunes on a CD and I eh have not one I doh say nothing. I remained in line and waited for my turn and now them badminding me. Nah man!”

Entertainment Macco: What kind of thought goes into the process of “bashing” other artistes?
Squeezy Rankin: “You have to think about bashing him *Haha*…it have different ways of bashing people. I take all the wrong things he (Khari) did and put it together with a little hook and add in one or two things in it and that is how it goes for most of the bashings. It is like writing a regular tune, you have to think it, you have to think comedic…It depends on the kind of bashing.”

Entertainment Macco: Do you write your own music?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Yeah….I can’t go into a lyrical battle and eh write meh own songs. I go be a shithong if I eh do my own thing”

Entertainment Macco: Has there been an ongoing “beef” with you and Khari Kill?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Hear this, he had a song called “Rainy weather” at a point in time and I had a song with that same name...he find that I shouldn’t sing on the  same topic and he start talking ah set ah shit. Then he come and sing bout me, Bunji and someone else and I eh take that on. Is not no beef thing with me this is just the way I does deal with a not no badness thing with me either…I doh deal with guns and badness. I don’t have to big up Facebook groups to get no powers and forwards like wah them does do them does buy fans.”

Entertainment Macco: What do you hope to achieve from this song?
Squeezy Rankin: “Nothing…it is just for the underground is not to gain anything. The purpose was to get a point across and that was done. You eh want to hear that song in a party? That music is not for party. The most go come out of it is it might get popular and people will want more clash…”

Entertainment Macco: “This song is for Facebook and Youtube and not the radio” that was your intro; So is it safe to say that you wrote, recorded and did a video for this song without a plan to gain any kind of revenue from this song?
Squeezy Rankin:  “I eh worried bout that I am still doing what I am supposed to do, it is not for the radio it is for the underground and clearly it working because look you call meh. *Haha*. Khari and them have to depend on that because their careers pop down. I am a lyrical artiste”

Entertainment Macco: Is your beef with Khari Kill only or Jah Bami as well, I ask this because he was mentioned in the song as well.
Squeezy Rankin:  “Aye let me tell you something bout me. I eh now start to sing and thing, we grow up in the same area, where I from we used to clash and if them have issues with me I eh have none with them. The song had nothing to do with Bami.”

Entertainment Macco: Why mention Jah Bami though, were you all not just travelling together around Trinidad singing for the youths? What went wrong?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Me? You sure you talking to the right person? Nah not me! I never tour no whey with Bami must be Ziggy them not me. I eh go round no country singing for no youths. My lyrical content is not for the youths so I do not try to send that kind of vibes for the youths.  I know my lyrics raw and hardcore so I not on that. I do not preach Selassie thing.”

Entertainment Macco: Now that Jah Bami has responded what do you think? What’s next?
Squeezy Rankin: “If that is the hardest lash he could hit me then boy hmm…Wah you think going happen when I direct one to him? Yea he go hit back but how hard, clearly not hard enough. If that is the hardest lash he could hit me then God alone cah help him in this. The song wasn’t even for him but he get up in the thing. You doh worry..Sunday you go hear mine, I know how destructive I can be. **Ha ha** His response is real weak and he just giving me wood for the fire. I am so lyrical and unlike the petty lyrics like wah Bami bring to the table I doh have to get personal. I will diss them off without getting personal.”

Entertainment Macco: What “four songs on a CD and who had one” tell me about this?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Well it is 3 songs and Khari had 1. Mine are “Nah play we tune”, “The Rankin”, and “Part of the struggle”
Entertainment Macco: What is the name of the compilation CD?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Studio 53 Summer”

Entertainment Macco: What type of music do you specialize in/what is your style?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Dancehall….I don’t try to sing Jamaican. I do my Trini accent on dancehall riddims, but my music is labelled as Trini dancehall. I specialize in singing. I am trying to bring something different to the place because after carnival nothing does really be going on so I want people see it have something else happening.”

Entertainment Macco: Is it true that you perform in carnival tents?
Squeezy Rankin: “Last year I did that but it didn’t happen this year. It’s not something I do often but when I get the opportunity I go with it.”

Entertainment Macco: Who are your musical influences?
Squeezy Rankin: “There are so many eh but,  Michael Jackson, Dmx, Iwer and Supercat and that is just me naming a few.”

Entertainment Macco: This kind of clash between artistes is not something that Trinidad & Tobago is used to; do you think it can be something positive?
Squeezy Rankin: Yes it is positive that is the kind of artiste them know me to be. I don’t put water in my mouth to  tell people anything…I am the downtown artiste that them eh want reach no whey. When we started the “I am local” movement people like Khari Kill with the exception of Jah Bami wanted to fight it down and all the artiste who based in Trini wanted to say something about it but like them was scared. When I did they stop and everyone else was glad. I just trying to keep the lyrical level of the thing, I trying not to carry it to any violent level, personally because that is not me. Long time I used to do that on the corner but now with the upsurge in violence and stuff I do not want to appear as though I promoting them thing. I go cuss or whatever but that is all it is, that is how I express myself.”

Entertainment Macco: What is next for Squeezy Ranking?
Squeezy Rankin:  “Next year I have a new tune for the ladies; the independent ladies that I am doing with Bunji. I am still doing my thing, I am still recording and writing but the clash is for the streets.”
Entertainment Macco: Do you have any plans of putting out an album?
Squeezy Rankin: “No albums, this local industry or hustle is too slow for albums. What you have to do is look for a hit song to get work in parties. Real Talk!”

Entertainment Macco: In your opinion why do you think there are difficulties with our music crossing the boarders and reaching into the international markets?
Squeezy Rankin: “Let me answer this for you straight, most of the artiste lazy, we eh like to work. The next thing is that the deejays and radio personalities in Trini don’t accept creativity and refuse to play we music. That is exactly what my tune from earlier this year “Nah Play we tune” is referring to.”

Entertainment Macco: Do you rate yourself as an international artiste? Why?
Squeezy Rankin:  “I know I am not an international artiste because you would never been asking me this question.”
Entertainment Macco: Haha…it is not what I think it is whether or not you rate yourself Sir.”
Squeezy Rankin:  “It is not that I am not confident or anything is just that it is Trini I deal with so I can’t rate myself otherwise.”

Entertainment Macco: Are you a full-time artiste or do you have another profession? If yes what is it?
Squeezy Rankin: “Full-time artiste, this my livelihood”

Entertainment Macco: Were you really the Stag man or the character man who used to be on stage with the Asylum band and the Curtain Crew?
Squeezy Rankin: “I was never a Stag man I was the Mystery Man.
Entertainment Macco: What possessed you to do that?
Squeezy Rankin: “How you mean? I used to get paid to do that. I used to have fun, get into parties for free, drink for free and get paid! Who won’t want to do that? I mean who won’t want to get paid to party? I eh go lie you are really a macco in serious.”
Entertainment Macco: Well I have to ask, because the people want to know your business.
Squeezy Rankin: “Well I am a glad man, that is who I am..*Haha*”

Entertainment Macco: What has been the highlight of your career thus far?
Squeezy Rankin: “Nah play we tune…the fact that all the dj’s rush to play it…that is it for sure.”

Entertainment Macco: Squeezy, some people have praised you and others have considered what you did to be disrespectful, what would you say to them?
Squeezy Rankin: “If they find it disrespectful then it disrespectful. Them eh go say the same thing bout Khari and the shit he does be singing but it is the same thing. What I sing is the truth and that is it, the problem with the truth is it does offend. You see just how Khari and Bami offended,  people will be as well. That is them business. Straight!”

Entertainment Macco: If there was one thing you could change about our music industry, what would that be and why?
Squeezy Rankin: “The whole dj system, I would put something in place to make local music play…a higher percentage of local music on radios which should be mandatory to all radio stations.”

Entertainment Macco: Other than the act that was thought to be disrespectful, some people may consider some of your music to be distasteful as well
Squeezy Rankin: “Most people does see thing going on and scared to talk about it and once you talk the truth without fear most people go find you disrespectful but it is not only me that does be thinking about what I am singing. Most people are hypocrites when certain R&B, Reggae, Dancehall or Rock singers say certain things in their them eh have nun to say, is just how I does speak raw. I does say exactly what people want to hear but just people scared to say it.. .”

Entertainment Macco: Your song “Nah Play we tune” has a lot of truth about the industry presently, are you not worried about the backlash from the radio stations?
Squeezy Rankin: “The only backlash for me was if they didn’t play it…is either it play or it eh play…I did get backlash from a couple dj’s who felt offended and start saying how them used to play my music before…the bottom line is the djs don’t  like to support local music.”

Entertainment Macco: Are you not worried that one day you may upset the wrong person and the repercussions may be unpleasant?
Squeezy Rankin: “If I eh upset the wrong person yet I feel them eh born yet. I upset real people already *Haha* most of the times when I do it I does be standing up for the right thing. It is not my daily job to go around upsetting people but if I don’t like something I will say it.”

Entertainment Macco: I know there are real life maccos out there, how do you keep your personal life and business life away from the maccos?
Squeezy Rankin: “That does be kind of hard…I don’t  really stray much, you don’t see me here, there and everywhere liming, when I am home I am Anthony,  on stage I am Squeezy. To keep out the maccos I does let Anthony do his thing, he is not a spotlight guy but Squeezy loves the lights. When you in the spotlight people tend to always watch you and talk but in my personal life I have a daughter and one of the tricks is keeping your personal life off of Facebook as well. Straight!”

Entertainment Macco: Thank you Squeezy for allowing me to macco and take up so much of your time.
Squeezy Rankin:  “No problem baby girl, it’s no problem at all”
Entertainment Macco: Ohhh and you don’t have to worry about me misquoting you eh, that won’t happen because I definitely not looking for a clash…I am not that skilled. lol
Squeezy Rankin: “I am not worried, I know you straight and safe. No clash thing for you. **Haha*”